TCWORLD Conference 2020
Date: 05.11.2020
Time: 14:00-14:45 CET
Place: Online Conference, get your tickets here: Register Now
Deliver highly personalised content aggregated from content silos to support use case-based workflow
Consumers of product content are most effective when the content is highly personalised. That means adapted to their role, preferences, expertise level, the workflow they want to undertake, and to the individual instance of the product they are interacting.
During this 45 minute talk, Ruud De Bruijckere and Jan Van Der Veen will answer the following questions in addition to sharing some valuable insights
- How to personalise content for the user, the product and the process context?
- How to aggregate content from various content silos to support the use of case-based workflows?
- How to back personalised and aggregated content delivery with processes and tools?