Circular Manufacturing Systems : From Idea to Implementation
Click here to watch the recorded webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6375464703029084939
Date: 08th April, 2020
Time: 11am CET ; Duration: 45 minutes
In the second webinar of our circular economy series, we discuss how manufacturing organizations are finding ways to fast-forward transformation beyond old linear ways of doing businesses. Join Dr. Farazee Asif, senior researcher at KTH and co-founder of CirBES, for a free webinar as he shares the essentials of this transformation. Ruud de Bruijckere, head of products and development at Signifikant, briefly introduces Circular ICT platforms and their design and deployment for the aftermarket and parts business.
Key topics and takeaways from the webinar:
– What circular economy is in the context of the manufacturing industry and best practices while transitioning to circular business models
– How can your business scale up and become profitable while integrating forward and reverse supply chains
– How a leading white goods manufacturing company is becoming circular
– How ICT can enable implementation of circular manufacturing systems